For lower back pain, neck pain, knee pain, or shoulder pain, we recommend manual therapy. Are you someone who often suffers from a headache? Book an appointment at Dannemora Physiotherapy and we’ll provide the following services:
Soft or deep tissue massage
Joint mobilisations/manipulation
Localised ligament/tendon work
Passive and active muscle /neural stretching
Exercise prescription to rehabilitate and strengthen bones, joints, tendons, ligaments and muscles
Soft or deep tissue massage
Joint mobilisations/manipulation
Localised ligament/tendon work
Passive and active muscle /neural stretching
Exercise prescription to rehabilitate and strengthen bones, joints, tendons, ligaments and muscles
Assisting you to return to part/full time work
Assisting you to return to full duties within the workplace
Assisting you to return to part/full time work
Assisting you to return to full duties within the workplace
1/3 Redcastle Drive, East Tamaki Auckland 2013
2022 | Dannemora Physiotherapy | All Rights Reserved